Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pretty Blue Coat Photo Session

So I developed the bright idea that I wanted a blue pea coat. And by blue I mean BLUE. So I drag my poor unsuspecting friend Brady to the nearest mall, which happens to be the largest mall in Oklahoma, three days after Christmas. One of my best ideas? no.

So five hours, 2 Pepsis, 10cents (long story), and a drug deal (also a long story) later I laid eyes on my beautiful prize. Witness the magic:

The quality of these pictures kind of deteriorates as you scroll down. I'm not really the best model and five hours of battling(I throw a painful right elbow) holiday shoppers can lead to a small amount of hysteria. Don't hold it against me.

 I had a magnificent and successful Christmas and I hope you did too. I'm going to go wear my coat now.


Monday, December 20, 2010


I AM HOME. And I couldn't feel better! I am finished with finals and waiting not so patiently for final grades to be posted. I'll let you know how it turns out. Moving on:

Funny story/ Brat move of the day: I hate, I mean HATE putting up the tree and I have refused to do so for the past couple of years. So this year Cody put half of the ornaments on the tree and then left to do something else, leaving me and the tree alone. To express my dislike of said tree, I strategically placed all my ornaments on the front and everyone else's on the back. HA. I think the tree looks nice.

Funny story #2: I took Cody out to lunch and to see Yogi Bear in 3D (which was HILARIOUS) on Friday after he got out of school. We were at the mall where we saw Santa taking pictures and I was all like, "SANTA!! OH MY GOD IT'S SANTA!!!" and cody was all like "Oh my gosh, Jordan stop. Please stop." while hiding his face. Baha. One point Jordan.

Funny story #2 continued: We went to the Victorian Walk Saturday night with the parents, which was tons-o-fun. Of course there were many Santa impostors present which sparked the SANTAA!!!! reaction. While my entire family simultaneously facepalmed, I got pictures:)

In other news, I watched Black Swan this weekend and It's driving me insane. If you have seen it and want to discuss, let me know. It was one of the best films I have seen in a really long time. Also, I'm breaking out all the classic reads since I'm home. I don't think I will ever get tired of re-reading these books. Get ready to hear about my favorites.

I'm going to go make some Christmas candy to prepare for the traditional family viewing of Christmas Vacation.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Finals are for SQUARES.

This is me. Not doing my Biology review. I would just like to let you all know that me surviving my first finals week will be a Christmas Miracle! Stranger things have happened.

In other news, My Aunt came down to visit and it was TEErific. We went and looked at the lights, which is my favorite part of the holiday hoohah. I almost short circuited when I saw this whole light with music display. I felt like a small dog, you know the tiny ones on crack. I also graced my family with a rendition of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You". My mom told me that Mariah ain't got nothing on me. You should believe her. I am the Christmas karaoke master.

I have now concluded that this post is quite drab, and therefore, I am investing in a pocket thesaurus. You will thank me later. I will stop now.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Where'd all the good people go?

Lately I've been thinking... Imagine that. What I've come up with is that I have a problem. Ha, I know a lot of you having been thinking that for years, but this is like a big deal.

I am a hopeless un-romantic.

Let me explain. I haven't had a date, like a real date since Moses knows when. It's not that I'm unfortunately terrible looking ( I would have to say that I am quite foxy, but that's just a personal opinion.), and it's not that I am terribly awkward. Okay-I am awkward, but not in a bad way, and it's not that I can't talk to men. I am happy to say that I talk to a boy in my bible class every TTh morning and it doesn't make me want to stab my eyes out. So what is my problem you ask?(besides the obvious one stated above.)

I have no freaking idea.

The thought of flowers makes me roll my eyes, and chocolates don't help my diet any. I would giggle at a poem or song, and by giggle I mean laugh. And if the L-word is uttered, I would probably be speechless. Then most likely run away. I see right through all the lines, all the number exchanging. I just don't see any of that as worth the trouble, when it doesn't last.

BUT! to counter all of the doom and gloom you just read, I love fairy tails, stories with a happy ending. I LIVE absolutely LIVE for on-screen kisses. I want to be loved and cherished and valued. I want to have kids and a dog and a backyard. I want to live. Do you see my problem here?

Also, you might think that I feel this way because I lack confidence and that might be true. But I think that it's worse than that. I have talked to guys and I just don't like them, I don't feel like they are worth the hassle.

So, here is the conclusion. If you didn't follow that, I think this will help. I want to be charmed. I want to fall head over heels in love. I want a guy to be creative and spontaneous and most of all, honest. I want them to do everything they can to make me believe that love lasts. That it's real. So this goes to you, future man: You have got a long crazy road ahead of you. And if this scares you off, well I guess you're just a pansy. But to that one who sticks it out, I promise I'm worth it.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Turtukeykey Day!

I'm home! And cooking:) Here are some snapshots of the Thanksgiving feast at the Rudd house!

Mom and I preparing the meal.
 Dad gearing up to eat the meal. He just got a tooth pulled, and is sick, so this picture was a score.
 We're pre-gaming here.
 Best Friends:)
Our menu included: Ham (cause we're rebels like that), hashbrown casserole, greenbean casserole, sweet potato casserole, we like casseroles, corn, stuffing, rolls, and tea. AND for dessert: pumpkin pecan strusel pie and BS( blueberry salad), an old recipe renamed by yours truly. Nobody likes the word salad. It makes me think of mayo and shredded carrots and frozen peas. Sick. So BS sounds much more lively. Yes?

Along with this, we came to the conclusion that I am too cynical to fall in love and that Kelsey has a knack for making up new words to old songs and impersonating Paula Dean (Hey ya'll!!). Mom is excellent at halving recipes, dad is a freak on meds, Cody is the Oreo whisperer, Chili wants nothing in life but to play with her ball, and Oreo will do anything for ham. Even if it means standing on her back legs.

I hope your Thanksgiving rocks as much as mine.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving! Plus...more nifty things:)

THANKSGIVING. It is my favorite holiday. Fitness magazine stated that the average American eats over 4,500 calories on this delicious day. Why was I reading Fitness magazine? To try to not eat 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. Will it work? no. Is it a fun fact I can use in sarcastic situations? yes. Moving on.

I have been inspired to make this blog meaningful. I want it to have a point. I want to do something to better myself. I want to see things, eat things, experience things. I want to live. So that is what I am going to do. Get ready. This is going to change the WORRRLLLLDDD!!! Not really, but it might make you laugh. AND that is good.

So! I will let you know what will happen in this life changing experience, when I know what will happen in this life changing experience. Until then, have a happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to remember who and what you are thankful for, and let them know! Here is my thankful picture for today!

She's my bestie. She calls me Pancake. And she's helping me with our life changing process. Get pumped for some K-quotes.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm back!

Sorry I've been gone for so long, College was calling. But never fear, I am back spamming the internet yet once again. You're welcome. These past few weeks have been rollercoaster-ish at best. Letteth me fill you in.

Date Week: Taking place at OC currently. Have I had a date? no. Have I finished off an entire box of Easy Mac? yes. Enough said.

Harry Potter: The BEST thing that has ever happened to me.

Chocolate Chip Poptarts: The second best thing that has ever happened to me.

Along with those nifty little highlights, I have turned in 3 papers, taken 2 tests and made an appointment to get my teeth cleaned. I am officially the worlds most boring freshman, but I am perfectly fine with it.

Let's get personal here: I felt really lost this week and I think it's because I didn't blog. Sounds strange, but this thing rocks. I get to make myself giggle. Just saying that I get to make myself giggle makes me giggle. (giggle) ANYwhoo... As well as stated above, I have made some personal accomplishments this week. This is where you guys will be proud.

I have realized that I am Jordan. Yes, yes I am. I should not try to act different to attract people. I'm weird and slightly socially awkward, why not embrace those oh-so-charming qualities? Someday, I will meet that person just as dorky as me and the rest will be history. I am willing to be patient. I mean think about it, how many people have you met like me? Yeah, it's going to take awhile to meet my future nerd-mate. But totally worth it in the end. Until then, John Mayer will sooth my soul. Also, I have learned how to say no. These college years are supposed to be the best of your life, but only if you slow down every once and awhile and not let yourself be peer pressured into doing crap that you don't want to. I have learned to be my own person and do things that I enjoy doing! Don't get me wrong, be willing to try new things. I'm not saying be lame. I'm just saying, that I have to step back and do things for me. Here is a pretty picture that made me happy this week. Enjoy!

Yeah! That's what's up! It's almost TURKEY DAY!!! Get pumped! WOOOOO!!!

Okay, I'm done now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I have friends:)

When I first got to college I pretty much panicked on a hourly basis. I mean like serious breakdowns. I hadn't made new friends since I was in 8th grade, and even then I was in a class of somewhere around 17 kids. So it wasn't terribly hard. But this is college! Aren't you supposed to meet your bridesmaids in college? Like your life long friends?! BAH!!! That's scary, but completely true. I actually didn't have any friends until I made cheer. Cheer saved me. I know this is a silly post, but I am so so excited that God has blessed me with all of these girls! Soo... here are some glimpses of my new favorite duplicates' first hockey game with me and Kelsey.

I just thought I would give you guys a little joy:) I can honestly say that these girls will be in my wedding some day. I can feel it. These are those kinds of friends you know? 

So anyways, we had the most fantastic time watching UCO. Carly and Caitlin hit the glass and made awkward eye contact with the guys getting hit and I was completely embarrassed as usual. The tall kids always seem to gang up on the short one. What is it with me and tall friends anyways? Strange. These are my tall friends and I love them, even though they make me do awkward things. 

Sorry for getting so emotional. I guess I do have a soul!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ebonics r lyk 4 sukrs and 3 rsons Y u shld NVR...procrastinate?

OKAY...there is a serious problem sweeping this glorious nations' youth today. That problem would be the lack of the gift of spelling. How have I observed this? Well, none other than the best invention EVER! Facebook. SO...the little life lesson in todays blog post is: STOP DEVELOPING SENTENCES LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO SCHOOL. Whew, I am glad I got that out. The reason why I am saying this? Employers check social networking sites. It is proven. Nobody wants to hire the girl who..."lyk hd tha wrst day evaaa in juss LOVE ma boooo;D" haha! I couldn't even type that with a straight face.
 Also, COLLEGES, which are possibly the most important institution to be accepted into are NOT going to take you seriously when you are in all AP classes, captain of the chess club, student council president, and "juss sooo pisssed at hym...gona mke hym sooo maaaad lata>(..." hahahaha They are going to LAUGH when you apply for the President's Scholarship. I mean do you turn in term papers like this? I wonder if your spell check self implodes every time you activate it? HA! If I had to edit a paper like that, I think I would just give it back. Or shred it. Seriously you guys, use contractions, Capitalize, and don't leave out the poor vowels! They like you! I promise!

Something I have learned this week, would be the art of procrastination. It NEVER works out like you think it will. How do I know this? 40 jumps in cheer. 40!!! Oh, and did I mention the basketball team was present?! Yeah, that was bad. Here's the short version of the story:I had a FANTASTIC fall break with the family. It was so fantastic in fact that I forgot ALL about practicing the sideline dances for cheer. The outcome as you know, was tragic. So! Here are the three thoughts for the week:

1) DON'T type like a doofus! Seriously, people will laugh in your face, or rather the screens face. But regardless, you WILL be laughed at. 

2) You seriously should refrain from procrastination. It leads to sore muscles, falling on to the toilet seat(rather than sitting), and a lack of organization and nobody likes that.

3) Don't forget to PRAY! Sometimes things get so crazy that I forget to rely on God. We need Him the most when things get cray cray!!

You're Welcome.

Friday, October 15, 2010

When worse comes to worse, throw water bottles at the refs.

Have you ever watched a ridiculous movie, or sporting event and wish stuff actually went down like that in real life? How is it that people get away with the most ludicris of acts on the big screen or the field or the ice. I was recently at a hockey game where one of the coaches threw water bottles at the refs. I mean he aimed for their faces! It was hilarious in the moment, but it got me thinking. You know society makes us believe that it is okay to steal someones' husband, as long as we are really "in love" with them, or hit hard, as long as the ref is looking the other direction. We have been trained to ignore our conscious. So what can we do about this, besides not swinging at the dumb blonde who cut in front of us in line?(For her sake, she probably didn't see you there. She IS trying to walk, text, AND chew gum at the same time. Give her a break.)

We can learn to take the JUDGE out of judgemental. Because when you do, all thats left is mental. And mental patients love everyone. 

We can go out of our way for someone. Random acts of kindness make the world go round. Plus it helps you meet new people. 

We can NOT be quick to anger. It is proven that happy and optimistic people live on average, 9 years longer that pessimistic people. PLUS it says not to in the bible. (James 1:19)

We can try to be good examples. When you think that people are watching, you're more than likely to make the right decision. (Unless you play hockey). 

I have learned that happy people make friends, and pass tests, and generally have a higher quality of life. So let's be happy! Give a hug, walk a dog, eat some fries. Don't let life pass you up and don't spend life throwing water bottles. Unless it is recreational. 

You're Welcome.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Keep it simple, Stupid.

College life can be crazy. Correction: it IS crazy. You find yourself in social situations you never thought could happen, except in American Pie. Just Kidding. But seriously, we are just thrown out into the world with a bunch of other kids trying to find our classes, and make friends on the way. What kind of crap is this? We are flat broke, trying to survive off of cafeteria food and ramen noodles. Nobody really likes ramen noodles. You only convince yourself that you do so you can choke down some extra calories before you pull your second all-nighter this week. So here, fellow people, are some tips on how to keep it real during your first semester. Fact: These tips have been known to improve the happiness of drowsy college kids everywhere.

1. NEVER eat anything "exotic" looking from the caf. Even though the line is incredibly short, the line for the bathroom later on wont be. You will be regretting this decision.

2. Hang with yourself. I know that the first couple of times you sit alone at lunch or in class, you can't shake that feeling of being the "smelly" kid. Don't fret. It gets easier, and people respect you for being independent. Nobody enjoys being friends with the crazy clingy kid.

3. Embrace the "wink". If it is imperative that you need to make friends(and by friends I mean dates), go for the winkers. I know it may seem sleazy, but the ones who can pull it off are worth having around and taking out in public. And who cares. They are FUN. Fun is a necessity.

4. Study in public. Chew on your pencil. Sit up straight. Listen to music. Check out the opposite sex walking by. Its great motivation for getting your work done. And plus, you know you look good. That's what matters.

5. Love your crazy roommate. I know that they might pick their feet, or smell like leftover lasagna, but that's who you come home to at night. Embrace their good and bad qualities. Listen to them and they will listen to you. You're going to need an unbiased friend.

These are some things I have picked up on during my first few weeks at school. I hope they help you. Or make you smirk. Smirking is kinda cute. Just be true to yourself, say your prayers, smell the food before you eat it, and don't date boys that still pop their collars.

I'll be back soon, when I have something absolutely DIVINE to share.
